
At Le Page Primary School every member of our school team prioritises forming positive relationships with our students.  We endeavour to create safe, welcoming and inclusive classrooms in which students can thrive academically, socially and emotionally and where the whole child is celebrated.

We implement a school wide multi-tiered system of support to ensure that all students receive what they need, when they need it.  At our Tier 1 (universal) level, we ensure that all students’ basic welfare needs are met by linking families in with the State Schools Relief Program, School Nurse Program and annual visits from the Smile Squad (dental program).  In our classrooms we use a number of evidence-based practices to teach emotional and social regulation including Zones of Regulation and Peaceful Kids (Peaceful Classrooms).  To embed a culture of respect and equality across our whole school community we teach the Respectful Relationships Program and foster the talent of each individual student through The Leader in Me Program.

We acknowledge that social and emotional development can be challenging for some of our students.  For those that need more intensive support in these areas we offer Tier 2 (small group) programs to build their social capabilities and support their mental health.  In-school initiatives we run in this space include the Peaceful Kids (Small Group) intervention program, the Foundation Social Skills Development program, the Alert Program and the Body Bright Program.  Our lunchtime social clubs are a highlight for many students who choose to take part in them with programs running each day including Mindfulness Club, Gardening Club, Library Club, Footy Tipping, Cooking Club, Science Club and small group craft times.  Lunch times are also an opportunity for student-led initiatives such as Potato Club and the Chicken Leaders.

For a small percentage of our students their wellbeing and emotional regulation is boosted through 1:1 Tier 3 supports.  At Le Page, we welcome private specialists and therapists to work within the school space to augment the work of the school, working together on shared goals for the student.  We offer 1:1 Art Therapy, guided by our Wellbeing Leader, for students who have been referred by a staff member.  Classroom staff work together with our Disability and Inclusion Leader to create Individual Education Plans for those students requiring individualised strategies and adjustments to support their integration into the school environment.  Student Support Group (SSG) Meetings are held termly to discuss students’ individual goals and their progress towards these.

Student voice and agency is a universal consideration in all our teaching and learning activities at Le Page Primary School.  We believe that student voice, agency and leadership play a central role in academic achievement of all our students and see the interconnection between investing in the wellbeing of our students and their academic performance. By building student wellbeing, we build students who are resilient and able to cope with adversity and who ultimately succeed.

Leadership Days

2024 Leadership Day Video

We believe that our students have unique passions and talents that should be celebrated and shared with others. That’s why we invite the wider community along with other schools to participate in our Leadership Days where we learn from our students and see the 7 Habits in action.

During these events, our students take on important roles, such as conducting tours of the school, running workshops, and performing for our guests. This not only allows our students to showcase their talents and passions, but also provides them with valuable experience in public speaking, event planning, and organization.

By participating in these events, our students learn valuable skills that they can apply both in and out of the classroom, helping them to become confident, responsible and effective leaders.

Student Lighthouse Team

Our Student Lighthouse team aims to shine light into the world. We believe in promoting student leadership at every level. That’s why we have established our Student Lighthouse team, consisting of students from Prep to Year 6. The team is based on the principles of the ‘Leader in Me’ program and is designed to empower our students to take an active role in shaping our school’s culture and community.

The Student Lighthouse team members are selected through an application process, which includes submitting a written application and delivering a presentation to their classmates. After the presentations, all students have an opportunity to vote for their preferred candidates. As part of their role, students provide voice and agency, working collaboratively with staff to implement initiatives that support our school’s vision and values. The Student Lighthouse team members are passionate, enthusiastic, and dedicated to making a positive difference in our school community. We are proud of the leadership they demonstrate and the contributions they make to our school’s success.

Student Led Assemblies

At Le Page Primary School, we believe in empowering our students to become confident and capable leaders. One way we achieve this is through our Student Led Assemblies which are held every Friday at 3:00 pm.

These assemblies are planned, organized, and led entirely by our students, with guidance from our teachers. Students work collaboratively to create presentations, rehearse performances, and lead the entire assembly from start to finish. Through this process, they develop essential skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management.

We encourage all members of our school community to attend our assemblies to celebrate our students’ achievements and to hear important information relevant to our school.

Lunch Clubs

Lunch Clubs are Student led (Teacher Supervised) activity groups run at lunchtimes for students who wish to participate. They provide opportunities for students to practise different skills and demonstrate all the ways they have genius.

Some of our lunchtime clubs include:

  • Cooking club
  • Green Team, Garden club
  • Computer club
  • Footy tipping club
  • Library club
  • Robotics (through an external provider)
  • Coding (through an external provider)
  • Chess (through an external provider)

Green Team Garden Club

Our Green Team are a proactive group who are passionate and enthusiastic about the environment.

Supported by Kelli Colvin and Anna Ottersbach, students plant, grow and harvest vegetables and herbs providing an engaging, hands-on, real life learning experience.

Working in Your Element & Buddy Program

We believe in fostering an environment where students can truly thrive. One of the ways we do this is by following the philosophy of “working in your element,” as described by renowned education expert Sir Ken Robinson. This means identifying each student’s unique strengths and interests and creating opportunities for them to pursue these passions.

Additionally, we have a buddy program in place, where older students are paired with younger ones to mentor and support but also to participate in a variety of activities that focus on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

This not only helps younger students feel more comfortable and confident at school but also teaches older students valuable leadership skills. As part of our ‘Leader in Me’ program, we alternate between a 50-minute ‘working in your element’ and a ‘buddies’ session each week. By incorporating these principles into our approach to education, we aim to create a community where every student feels valued, inspired and empowered to reach their full potential.

Our Chooks

In 2023 we welcomed four beautiful chickens.

These ladies are well cared for by our students, including our Green Team.